My current research explores impact crater rims as a window into the ancient crust of Mars. In the first year of my PhD, I have led a subset of the Mars 2020 science team in creating a photogeologic map of the rim of Jezero crater, which is being used as a resource for planning the rover’s exploration of the rim. My future research will include investigating the ancient hydrothermal systems and deep uplifted crust that may be preserved in the rims of nearby Martian craters, as well as conducting field research on analogous terrestrial impact craters.
Additionally, I am an affiliate of NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, working as a student collaborator for the Mastcam-Z instrument on NASA’s Mars 2020 rover science team. I have participated in rover operations on Mastcam-Z science operations downlink and am currently training on the uplink role.
Associated Abstracts:
55th Lunar and Planetary Conference:
Tenth International Conference on Mars: